Stay at Home Street Party for VE Day Anniversay
On Friday 8th May 2020, the 75th anniversary of VE Day, the residents of Bibury and Arlington celebrated the day, amidst the national lockdown, with a Stay at Home Street Party. Local residents had picnics on their front lawns or doorsteps alongside their neighbours and many people decorated the fronts of their houses with bunting and flags.
A traditional afternoon tea was made and delivered to the elderly residents in the village who lived alone. This delightfully presented box of afternoon tea was kindly funded by the Bibury Cricket Club and inside it also contained a commemorative VE Day tea towel that was kindly donated by the Bibury Football Club. The recipients were all surprised and delighted by this gift and many elderly folk sat outside for the first time in weeks and happily reminisced VE day with their neighbours.
In the morning a pop up shop was organised outside St Mary's Church selling fresh homemade cakes donated by village residents and they were all sold raising over £600 for the Royal British Legion.
It was truly a joyous day. So many pockets of houses around the villages really embraced the event and it made a welcome change to what has been a very difficult time for so many. Albeit very different events, but the link between today's pandemic and the troubles and loss felt 75 years ago did not go unnoticed by many. The British spirit of carrying on in the face of adversity still lives on thankfully.