Art Journaling
The Old Schoolrooms, Art Journaling in a friendly small group
ART JOURNALLING with Jenna Burne
Organised by Arlington Baptist Church; contact Sharon or
Max. £30.00 per person (may be less depending on numbers this is a non-profit event)
1. A fun fully guided creative process as a small group max.15
2. Prayerfully bringing our concerns, needs and ourselves into the presence of God and listening to him as we explore a different way to express ourselves through Art.
3. No prior knowledge assumed- we would start with an introduction to cover "what is mixed media?" "What is art journaling?" "What's it got to do with God?" No special "artistic ability" is required- everyone is welcome!
4. Each person will be guided to create 2 full page (A3) multi-layered mixed media journal spreads, all materials provided.
5. Access to "play" with a wonderful range of high-quality artists materials -acrylic & watercolour paints, collage materials, brushes, inks, oil pastels and a whole lot more.
6. Time to rest and reflect on our work and process, listen to God, chat in a warm friendly atmosphere and feedback as a group if helpful.
Hot drinks and cake provided please bring a packed lunch