During the pandemic we a
- re joining the “Big Church Read”
- from 21st September 2020 the book is ”
- The ruthless elimination of hurry” by John Mark Comer
During the pandemic we a
re joining the “Big Church Read” from 21st September 2020 the book is ”The ruthless elimination of hurry” by John Mark Comer
During the pandemic we a
re joining the “Big Church Read” from 21st September 2020 the book is ”The ruthless elimination of hurry” by John Mark Comer
Book Club
During the pandemic we are joining the “Big Church Read” from 21st September 2020 the book is ”The ruthless elimination of hurry” by John Mark Comer
If you wish to join in at any point, please checkout The Big Church Read website and register for the free videos and questions to work through whilst reading.